Saturday, May 15, 2010

Black Orcs pt2

The black orcs are 99% done. I just need to do some touch-ups and finish the bases. I am probably going to change the banner at some point to,

The red armor was given a base for Mechrite Red followed by a wash of Devlan Mud with a touch of blue ink. The wash targeted the recesses and details. This was followed by highlights of Blazing Orange and Vomit Brown. To make the armor look worn I added random scratches and dings with Vomit Brown. In a similar random fashion I went over those marks with Scorched Brown with a final highlight of Chainmail.

The metal bits where painted Boltgun Metal and given 2 liberal washes of Badab Black and 1 wash of Devlan Mud before highlighting with Chainmail and Mithril Silver.
I mentioned in my last post that I had originally painted some of these figures up to be "table ready." Here is an example of the new and old versions side by side.
Ref: WD364 pp 96-100


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