Basing is an easy way to add interest to your army. It can help unify you units thematically or just add a needed splash of colour. Basing is also a good excuse to let your imagination run wild and set your minis apart from anyone e
lse's. The web is full of beautifully painted minis on elaborately designed bases. This can be somewhat intimidating but one needs to bear in mind that that level of detail is usually reserved for showcase figures, champions or elite units. For typical gaming figures you don't have to go too nuts.
When I started out I used to just paint the bases Goblin Green and be done with it. Then I moved up to simply
spreading some white glue on the base and sprinkling it with green flock. Honestly - not a bad solution. What I've been doing lately is adding some interest to my base texture. I collected a variety of materials - decorative sWHFB, and and small pebbles from the craft section of the dollar store, fine sand and pebbles from the end of my driveway and other bits of
debris like bits of drywall. The process then is pretty straight forward:

- Coat the base with glue. I use slightly watered down Elmer's Wood Glue because it has a stronger bond but regular white glue will do too.
- Sprinkle with mix of materials. I start with the larger bits and then sprinkle fine sand on top to fill in any gaps.
- Tap off any loose material
- Wipe the edges of the base with your finger if any of the glue went over the sides.
- Repeat.
You can base an entire unit in no time.

The whole unit is then primed and painted - leaving the bases for last. The bases are given a coat of Scorched Earth, followed with a dry brush of Graveyard Earth and a final highlight of Deneb Stone. Once the highlighting is done, add some random
splotches of white glue, dip the base in some Citadel Static Grass and tap of the excess.

As a final touch I paint the edges Jungle Green. This is personal preference, others like leaving the base black or go with other shades of green or brown. Now here's the completed unit: